
Showing posts from October, 2010

Pray! before prayer is said upon you....

Technology has influenced my life so much And as guided by the pious, I try to benefit from it as much as possible Hence one of the email that stricken upon me is on the meaning of the verse in between two sujud during solat (Bahasa Malaysia is preserved here since it has a deeper and wonderful meaning) MashaAllah…Quran is beautifully composed…no flaws! Rabbighfirli (Tuhanku, ampuni aku) Warhamni (sayangi aku) Wajburnii (tutuplah aib-aibku) Warfa'nii (angkatlah darjatku) Warzuqnii (berilah aku rezeki) Wahdinii (berilah aku petunjuk) Wa'Aafinii (sihatkan aku) Wa'fuannii (maafkan aku) Subhanallah , it is such a beautiful du’a.. making my every prayer more peaceful upon discovering the meaning. Terimalah amal ibadatku Ya Allah, semoga anak2ku & keluargaku sentiasa termasuk dalam golongan yang mendirikan solat & menunaikan zakat..amin. p/s: The reason I’m posting is about sharing the information Convey! even if it’s just a single verse… ( sampaikanlah, walaupun