
My 5 year bubbly son is sooooo... talkative, you'll be amazed upon hearing his story telling, the exagerated version of Pinocchio, Little Red Riding Hood etc.

Dialogue 1
Haziq: What are you doing ibu?
Ibu: (Cooking) I'm cycling.
Haziq: No you are not, you are cooking. Ibu do you know that flour comes from wheat, do you know how to plant wheat?bla bla...
Ibu: Can you be quiet for a minute?
Haziq: Is it a minute yet?

Dialogue 2
Haziq: Do you know that Dora the explorer can speak spanish?
Ibu: No
Haziq: She can speak very well, you know, bla bla.. monkey in boots.. bla bla piglet..bla bla
Ibu: Tidur la Haziq...,please, ibu ngantuk ni, esok kerja..
Haziq:Abracadabra (pretending his finger like a magic stick), make my mommy awake, make her eyes open wide .
Ibu: Abracadabra!!Sleep!!

Dialogue 3
Haziq : Ibu do you know that cow milk can make ice creaam bla bla...harry & bucket of dinasour..bla bla
Man 1: Anak akak dari tadi tak berhenti2 cakap, dia tak penat ke?

Dialogue 4
Haziq : Ayah, ayah tau tak...spoiler, bla bla , modified, lepas tu kan..bla bla (for at least 10 mins non stop)..ayah dengar la ni!, I'm not finish yet...then the car has Nitrogen Oxide or people call it Nos, and then..bla bla
Ayah : Ibu, did you talk this much when you had him in your tummy?

Dialogue 5
Ayah: Haziq, do you know why kulit ibu tak putih macam kita?
Haziq: Why ayah?
Ayah: Because when she was small, dia main mercun das & it exploded while she was holding it.
Haziq: Was it painful ibu?

what a blessing.. (and thank you for the compliment ayah..)


Yati WTL said…
they said kids yg talktative selalunya brilliant.

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