Celebrating Achievements at 50: A Journey of Resilience, Self-Care, and Countless Blessings

Life is a tapestry woven with diverse experiences, both triumphs and challenges. As I embrace the milestone of turning 50, I find myself reflecting on the remarkable journey that has led me here. From overcoming health struggles to navigating emotional heartbreak and embracing personal growth, this transformative period has shaped me in profound ways. Today, I celebrate the accomplishments and blessings that have emerged from continuous trials and tribulations, while keeping my faith in Allah (SWT) as my guiding light.


The year that my life took an unexpected turn when I underwent a hysterectomy. Thank you my Cyrene & Joe for encouraging me in making this decision, finally after 6 years. Hehehe..

This journey tested my physical and emotional resilience, as I faced the challenges that accompany major surgery and hormonal changes. While the road to recovery was arduous, this experience taught me the value of perseverance and the strength that lies within. I emerged from this chapter with a renewed sense of appreciation for my health and a deeper understanding of the fragility and resilience of the human body.

In the same year, I have decided to make a big move by leaving Maybank to a shariah compliant financial institutions. It was a big milestone achieved, another bucket list checked Alhamdulillah. It was a full filing and disciplined year.. I was consistently sticking to the list of plans with helps from my support system (you know who you are).


The following year brought its own set of trials, as I found myself heartbroken (sob.sob.) and facing an emotional meltdown. The unachieved expectations seemed insurmountable at times. However, I recognized that healing requires time, patience, and self-compassion. I sought solace in the support of God SWT, loved ones, and the power of self-reflection. Through this process, I learned the importance of acknowledging pain, allowing oneself to grieve, and seeking avenues for emotional.

(Apa kejadian ini Huslina… ? Hahaha)


As I entered 2023, I resolved to embark on a journey of personal growth and self-care. I embraced the opportunity to learn new things, whether it was acquiring new skills, exploring hobbies, or deepening my understanding of the world. This period of self-discovery allowed me to tap into hidden potentials and unlock new avenues for fulfillment and joy. By prioritizing self-care, I nurtured my physical, mental, and spiritual well-being, allowing myself to heal and flourish. Things are still work-in-progress mode. I’ll get through this inshaAllah.

Life's trials and tribulations are inevitable, but it is our response to them that defines our journey. Despite the challenges faced along the way, I decided to strive and move forward, one step at a time. Every setback has become an opportunity for growth, and every hurdle has served as a reminder of my own resilience. The path may be uncertain, but my determination to forge ahead remains unwavering.

In the face of life's challenges, I am reminded of the countless blessings bestowed upon me by Allah (SWT). Through the highs and lows, I have witnessed divine grace guiding me towards strength, resilience, and growth. As I celebrate my achievements at 50, I hold onto the understanding that these blessings are not merely for this worldly life but serve as preparation for the eternal hereafter. With gratitude in my heart, I strive to live a life that reflects the lessons learned and the blessings bestowed upon me.

Let us move forward with gratitude, embracing life's challenges as opportunities for growth and celebrating the accomplishments that shape our unique journeys.

May Allah bless us more than enough

protect us when we fall,

Hear us when we call,

And sooth our heart when we don’t understand. 

Amin yra.


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