While they were sleeping

I received an email from a friend last week (Thank you Nur Afizah!), honestly, it is the type that I would usually scan briefly before hitting “delete”. But this message, started with a simple question that caught my attention. “Have you ever watched your parents while they were asleep?”

Coincidentally, a week before that mak also ask me similar to that..”..pernah tengok bapak waktu dia tidur? Kurus kan da tak macam dulu? Nampak sangat da tua..”. It’s easy to watch bapak sleep cause he at time takes nap in between his daily routine of picking up his grandchildren from school but mak hardly sleep during the day (nite? I'd normally dozed off before her).

I like to watch my children while they are asleep. It’s like a therapy to me..very calming, very soothing, peaceful.., cuddly , sweet smelling & all of it but I don’t really watch my parents while they were sleeping… be it mak, the woman who takes care of my (& my children!) daily needs, constantly nagging (scolding?) for the name of love; or bapak; the man who works to ensure that his children get the best education and protect his grandchildren from being scold by their parents :)
Nazurah at 2 months ~safe & sound

Have you ever watch your fathers’ body that is once big (‘fleshy’ would be more suitable for bapak) but now the big is withered and weaker, grey hair covering his head…or how about our mother whose soft hands that used to cuddle us when we were a baby…now it is dry & rough bearing evidence that she faced just for us.

Oohh..they have aged! and they are ageing just as much as I am ageing. Like the writer said “ I suppose that I have always subconsciously thought that my parents would always be with me, never growing old..”

I am sharing this with you, especially those who still have their parents to remind our self to appreciate what we have now. (To my other half; honey, I do enjoy every snoring moment while you were sleeping… he he he)

Doa for parents

Allahummagfir lii dzunubi wali-waalidayya warham humma, kamaa rabbayaani shag-hiiraa

O Lord, forgive me and my parents. O Lord, show mercy on them as they have nourished me when I was young.

Maksudnya : Ya Allah! Ampunilah bagiku segala dosaku dan juga dosa dua ibu bapaku dan kasihanilah mereka keduanya sebagaimana mereka memelihara dan mendidikku di masa kecil.


Unknown said…
Good reminder. Too busy become a mom and wife and sometines terlupa that we are a daughter too. Million thanks!
--iffil-- said…
Great article! Thanks for sharing.

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