wordy wordy

Have you ever surprised how sharp tongued can some people be? For those who knows me, ‘cursing’(or cakap melayu maki!) is one big pantang & truly a one trait that is a NO, NO compromise!. It is truly an ear sore upon hearing some people cursing others, be it the makcik nasi lemak raising her voice to her foreign assistance or some drivers raising their middle finger to the law breaker motorcyclist.

I believe there are other alternative than having to said ba-alif-ba-ya or the big ‘F’ word . My favourite would be ba-wau-dal-wau-ha (yup, I spell them instead of saying “bodoh” out loud). "Bangang" is also in my vocabulary but me & hubby favourite terms would be K-H-E (my in law gonna kill me if they know the meaning, he he..)

I pray that I don’t have to use/say any of the dirty words throughout my life. Well, I admit that I do use them for the Israelis Jew who continuously hurt the Palestinian people (they burnt the Palestinan dates farm ‘ladang kurma’ during this ramadhan, screw them!) Alhamdulillah, hubby share the same and I have never once hear any of those words from him.. (hopefully belakang pun tak ada lar)but he likes to say ‘bangang’ during his ‘handy-many’ or ‘bob the builder’ whenever the DIY project facing hiccups… (ha ha.. blame the manufacturer dear,.)

I am writing this because I read a friends’ fb status which mention, that these people (sharp tongued) bearing invasion of poor character….
BUT be mindful, cursing not necessarily put harm to others, there are also non harsh words which can emotionally cause stress to others i.e “ibu hitam!” (thank you sayang). Ini pun boleh mengugat emosi sekiranya seseorang itu wake up in the wrong side of the bed.

I don’t see how cursing can satisfy one.
Try this, so far it works…
When a motorist speeded and you almost hit them;
Instead of saying “woi, nak mampus ka??” say this instead;
"Ya Allah, dia bawak laju sure dia tak tahan nak pergi toilet"

When you heard rumors about you,
Instead of publishing them in your blog (he he..) try this
"Ooh, this people really care for me"

When the boss raises his voice to you in front of the whole department,
Instead of arguing back, tell yourself this
Dia ni period kot” or if it still doesn’t work, go to the toilet and be a weepy baby
Err.. this works for me everytime (proof: good bonus, good increment!)

But my dear adik Nurul quite disagree with my above statement, she said "Kak Nana, instead of saying anything, you just pray to Allah swt for them to change, its for their own good anyway" (InsyaAllah dik!-I learn a lot from the juniors).

You see, I have a great team members in the office. Words such as gemuk, panjang, botak, pekak, nyanyuk, pendek, kecik has become a daily vocab… Can you guess which one is being used to reflect the team leader? (well, they started it, I just follow them)

Note: Yang baik datangnya dari ALLAH, yang buruk, salah dalam blog ini sesungguhnya atas kelemahan saya sendiri. Harap maafkan kesalahan saya.I didn’t say I am right or I never said that others are wrong. I make mistakes too, yup… lots of them.


salam nana ..

hehehe in certain situations bagus jugak bawak keluar sekali-sekala ....yg penting puas hati ...

Huslina said…
sila habiskan ayat anda "BULL_ _ _ _"
he he...

Anak da besar susah skit nak cover, takat eja ba-wau-dal-wau-ha atau ba-alif-ba-ya, dia lagi terror.
--iffil-- said…
Nana... kat sini sama jugak... cuma in bahasa Kedah. Tergeliat lidah dibuatnyer :-)

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