Stemlife: Apa pusat?

I was writing a cheque when a collegue approach me and ask
"Bayar ape tu?",
I responded "Stemlife.."
"Ape stem?"
"Stemlife, cord blood bank, cakap melayu darah tali pusat"
"Huh!Apa pusat?"

I signup for this while giving birth to Nazurah in 2007. It has yet to be commercialised during Haziq birth in 2001 and Hazim came too soon before we are able to make the arrangement.

My hubby consulted Dato' Dr Maamor of Persatuan Pengguna Islam (PPMI)before signing up and Dato' has given an encouraging answer.
Cord blood is collected from the umbilical cord (tali pusat) immediately after the birth of the baby and after the cord has been clamped out. This blood is routinely discarded and collecting it does not alter normal birthing procedures. The collection is painless and normally performed by the doctor. The blood is an budant and valuable source of stem cells which are genetically unique to our baby and family. It is an alternative source of stem cell translation, where traditionally bone marrow or peripheral blood cells and cells of the human immune system.

Enabling the preservation of this precious stem cells later use in many developing applications of stem technology.
It is also key building blocks of the human blood & immune system. In which it can be used to generate red blood cells and cells of the human immune system.

There are a few service provider in the country (but recently there was a not-so-good rumours on the company that I signed up with).
Based on research, the chances of one taking needing the stem cells is less than 0.01%, i.e. 1 in 10,000people. As such, I am leaving in Allah swt hand and pray that none of us will have to use the cord blood for any medical reason.



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